The Ouija Board: History and How to Use It

A Ouija board is a flat board with the letters of the alphabet, the numbers 0-9, and the words “yes” and “no” printed on it. It is also often decorated with symbols such as a cross, a star, or an eye. A pointer, or planchette, is used to indicate letters and numbers. The pointer is moved around the board by the fingers of one or more people asking questions of the spirit world. It is used to communicate with the spirit world.

How to Use a Ouija Board

You and your friends sit around the board and place your fingers on the planchette to use a Ouija board. You then ask the spirit world to contact you, and the planchette will start to move around the board. The letters and numbers on the board will then spell out a message from the spirit world.

Some people believe that using a Ouija board can be dangerous, allowing evil spirits to enter your home. Therefore, it is essential always to ask the spirit world to leave your house when you are finished using the board.

To prevent a harmful spirit from entering the chat, you can begin a session by sprinkling a circle of salt or visualizing a white circle around the work area.

The History of Ouija Boards

The Ouija board is a board game. The game is said to have originated in ancient China, where it was known as the “Spirit Board.” The game was brought to the United States in the late 1800s, and it became popular with spiritualists and occultists.

Its use increases during war times as women attempt to contact husbands, fathers, and sons.

There is no scientific evidence that the Ouija board can communicate with the spirit world. However, the game can be entertaining, and it may provide players with a sense of connection to the spiritual realm.

Different Types of Ouija Boards

Different types of Ouija boards are available on the market. The most popular board is the flat board, but some boards have different shapes, such as the heart-shaped board and the star-shaped board. More ornate boards can be purchased on Etsy.

What to Do if You Get a Negative Response from a Ouija Board

If you get a negative response from a Ouija board, it is crucial to stay calm. Do not panic. First, make sure that all of the participants in the session are safe. If anyone is feeling scared or uncomfortable, stop the session immediately.

Next, try to identify the source of the negative energy. It may be helpful to ask the board to identify the spirit causing the trouble. Once you know the identity of the spirit, you can begin to formulate a plan to deal with it.

One way to deal with a troublesome spirit is to ask it to leave. You can do this by commanding it to leave in a firm voice. You may also need to ask the other participants to help you by repeating the command.

If the spirit does not leave, you may need to use a technique known as “sending away.” This involves visualizing the spirit being sent away to a place where it can no longer harm anyone.

Finally, it is important to remember that not all spirits are hostile. Some may be confused or lost. In these cases, it may be possible to help the spirit find its way home.

What to Do if the Ouija Board Starts Moving on Its Own

If the Ouija board starts moving on its own, there are a few things you can do. First, don’t panic! It’s important to stay calm and rational. Next, try to figure out what’s causing the board to move. Is someone playing a prank on you? Are there spirits trying to communicate with you? Or is there something else going on?

Once you’ve determined the cause of the board’s movement, you can take appropriate action. If it’s a prank, you can either ignore it or try to stop the person who’s playing the prank. If its a spirit trying to communicate with you, you may want to communicate back. 

No matter what’s causing the board to move, it’s important to be safe. So don’t let the board move around on its own. Instead, keep your hands on the planchette at all times. And if you start feeling uncomfortable or scared, stop using the board.

The Dangers of Using the Ouija Board

The Ouija board has been around for centuries and has been used by many people to communicate with the dead. While some people believe that the Ouija board is just a game, there are others who believe that it is dangerous and can be used to open the door to the spirit world, which can be harmful.

The Ouija board is said to be able to contact spirits because it is a tool that is used to create a link between this world and the next. When you use the Ouija board, you are opening yourself up to any spirits that may be around, and some of these spirits may not be friendly.

If you are thinking about using the Ouija board, it is important to be aware of its risks. In addition, it is essential to remember that the Ouija board is not a toy and should be used with caution.

How to Cleanse Your Space After Using the Ouija Board

It is vital to cleanse your space after using the Ouija board to remove any negative energy that may have been left behind.

There are several ways to cleanse your space after using the Ouija board. One way is to use a smudge stick. A smudge stick is a bundle of dried herbs that are burned to release the smoke. The smoke is said to cleanse the space of any negative energy.

You can also cleanse yourself of any residual energies. Bath salt is a natural cleanser and can remove negative energy. Simply pour a cup of salt into a bathtub full of warm water and soak in it for 10-15 minutes.

Finally, you can use a crystal to cleanse your space. Crystals are known to absorb energy and can be used to remove negative energy from your area. Hold the crystal in your hand and visualize the negative energy being absorbed by the crystal.

Author: StrangeAgo