How People Protected Themselves From Witchcraft

The most curious thing people from long ago did to protect themselves from witchcraft was use spells, charms, talismans, amulets, and other forms of folk magic. In other words, people fought witchcraft with witchcraft.

This makes sense if you believe that there is a magical, unseen realm around us. We cannot battle the unknown with the mundane.

The Dreaded Evil Eye

There is a long history of witches being blamed for illnesses, crop failures, and bad luck. In many cases, these accusations were based on superstition and fear rather than any actual evidence. One of the most common beliefs about witches was that they could cast spells that would cause harm to others. This idea led to the belief that witches could also cast an evil eye, which was a powerful curse that could cause all sorts of problems for the victim.

Generally speaking, the evil eye is thought to be a curse caused by envy or jealousy. When someone looks at another person with envy or malice, it is said that they are casting the evil eye. This curse is said to cause all sorts of problems for the victim, such as sickness, financial issues, and even death.

There are many different rituals and spells that are said to protect people from the curse of the evil eye. In some cases, people even wear talismans or amulets that are said to ward off the evil eye.

Lucky Charms

There is a long history of people using charms to protect themselves from witchcraft. A charm can be defined as an object, typically an amulet or talisman, that is believed to have magical properties and is worn or carried as protection against evil or illness.

One of the most famous charms against witchcraft is the crucifix. The cross is believed to be a powerful symbol of protection against evil.

Other popular charms against witchcraft include the pentagram, the six-pointed star, and the horseshoe.

Salty Witches

In medieval Europe, salt was a precious commodity. It was used to cure meats, add flavor to food, and as a preservative. Because of its many uses, salt was considered a valuable commodity and was often traded for other goods.

Witches were thought to be able to use salt to cast spells and to harm others. One common belief was that a witch could put a curse on someone by throwing a pinch of salt in their direction. On the other hand, some people also believed that salt could be used to ward off evil spirits making salt’s magical purpose dependent upon the user.

Salt was also thought to be a powerful tool in protection against the devil. In some cases, people would sprinkle salt around their homes or place a bowl of salt near the door to keep the devil and witches from entering.

Breaking a Witch’s Curse

Witches of old were apparently a pesky bunch. If you were unlucky enough to cross one, she might put a curse on you. But never fear. There were ways to break a witch’s curse.

The most important thing is to identify the source of the curse. Once you know where the curse came from, you can take steps to break it.

If the curse is from a witch, you can do a few things. First, you can try to break the curse with a mirror. Since mirrors became popular, it has been a popular form of folk magic to place a mirror in a window that faces the evildoer. This, in theory, works by reflecting back any negative energies being sent your way.

Another option is to use a talisman to break the curse. A talisman is an object that is believed to have magical properties. It can be anything from a crystal to a piece of jewelry. Any object that a person feels is protective can be used.

Author: StrangeAgo