Huge balls of fire dart across sky, Georgia 1922

The following is a 1922 report of two “stars” that darted across the sky in the same path. The second one followed roughly three minutes after the first.

Huge Balls of Fire Dart Across Sky

Athens, Ga. — Two large stars, resembling huge balls of fire, darted across the sky last night shortly before midnight, the stars moving from east to west and being in the south.

Professors of astronomy at the University of Georgia here attach considerable importance and  interest to the occurrence saying that they have never seen such before.

The entire heavens were lighted up by the stars, the second of which darted across the heavens about 3 minutes after the first and practically the same course.

Source: The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.), 01 May 1922.

Author: StrangeAgo