Balls of fire seen entering haunted house in Shavertown, New York

Floating balls of fire seem to enter and travel around an abandoned house in Shavertown.

Interestingly enough, Shavertown is no longer there. It is under the water of the Pepacton Reservoir constructed in 1954.

Ghosts and Balls of Fire

Residents of Shavertown, in Delaware County, are greatly excited over a haunted house in which ghosts hold nightly revel.

The ghosts have not been seen as yet, but many persons declare that balls of fire rise from the ground and drift slowly into the house.

Others say that lights have been seen about the house and shouts and laughter have been heard.

The house was once occupied by the late Levi D. Shaver.

Several parties have started out at night to enter the house and defy the ghosts, but have been scared away by the noises and the balls of fire.

Source: The Jackson herald. (Jackson, Mo.), 12 April 1906.

Author: StrangeAgo