Henry Ford did not invent the assembly line

Henry Ford did not invent the assembly line. 

No matter how many times a history or social studies teacher might say that Henry Ford invented the assembly line, it does not change the fact that assembly of a product by a line of people has been with us for many generations.

In fact, meat packing plants used electric conveyor belts for their “dis” assembly lines.

However, Henry Ford took the basic assembly line and used it on a grand scale to make cars.

There was no longer a small team of people making one car at a time. Instead, by using the assembly line method, Ford was able to hire multiple people, train them to do one basic thing, and have multiple cars built at the same time.

While Henry’s PR stated that this method kept prices low for the consumer, it also kept costs very low for Ford, allowing his company to rake in incredible profits.

Author: StrangeAgo