Race of the Ancient Sumerians: What Did They Look Like?

One of the most intriguing aspects of the Sumerians is their physical appearance and race.

According to historical records, the Sumerians were a non-Semetic people with distinct physical characteristics.

They were described as having light-colored eyes, reddish hair, and fair skin. This is in contrast to the Semitic peoples of the region, who were typically dark-skinned and had dark hair.

The Sumerians were also taller than their Semitic neighbors, with an average height of around 5’6″ for men and 5’2″ for women.

This is also supported by the numerous statues and artwork that have been discovered from the Sumerian civilization, which depict individuals with long, narrow faces and aquiline noses.

The origins of the Sumerian race are a subject of ongoing debate among scholars. Some believe that they were indigenous to Mesopotamia, while others propose that they were migrants from the Caucasus region or the eastern Mediterranean.

However, genetic studies have suggested that the Sumerians were likely a mixed group of people, with genetic influences from both the Near East and Europe.

Author: StrangeAgo