7 Beliefs Sumerians Had About the Dead and Death

The Sumerians, an ancient civilization that lived in Mesopotamia, had a complex belief system about death.

According to their beliefs…

1. Two Realms

The afterlife was divided into two realms: the underworld, known as Irkalla, and the heaven, known as Dilmun.

2. Bleak and Dreary

The deceased were believed to pass into Irkalla after death, where they lived a bleak and dreary existence. The afterlife was seen as a place of suffering, darkness, and dust.

3. No Rest for the Dead

The Sumerians believed that the dead were required to work in the underworld, and were often depicted in artwork as laborers.

4. Punishment

The afterlife was also believed to be a place where the dead were punished for their misdeeds in life. Some Sumerian texts describe the underworld as a place where the wicked are punished with horrific torments.

5. Offerings to the Dead

The Sumerians believed that the living could provide sustenance for the dead through offerings and sacrifices. These offerings were meant to ensure that the dead were well-fed and taken care of in the afterlife.

6. On Returning to Life

Some Sumerian texts suggest that the dead could return to the land of the living, but only under certain circumstances, such as when a family member performed a ritual for them.

7. Reviving the Dead

The Sumerians believed that the gods had the power to bring the dead back to life, and some texts describe the gods reviving dead heroes and warriors to fight for them.

Author: StrangeAgo