How can we combat fake history?

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would have to ask myself how we can fight back against fake history. And yet, here we are.

Combating fake history requires a multifaceted approach that involves education, critical thinking, and fact-checking.

Of course, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. Some people willfully/defiantly choose to believe in fake history because it makes them feel “special.”

Promote Education

Educating people on how to identify fake history is essential. Provide lessons on critical thinking, media literacy, and how to identify fake news.

I actually took a college course that had an entire unit on identifying fake news. Fascinating and enlightening!

There is also a course on Coursera on Making Sense of the News: News Literacy Lessons for Digital Citizens. (This is NOT an affiliate link.)

I’m a digital news producer for a local tv news station, and it is essential that we all learn how to identify what is real and what is fake in the news industry.

Encourage Critical Thinking

Encouraging people to think critically about the sources of information they encounter can help prevent the spread of fake history. This includes questioning the credibility of sources and verifying claims with multiple sources.

There are plenty of free online courses covering critical thinking. For example, Alison has a Thinking Critically course. (NOT an affiliate link)


Fact-checking is critical in combating fake history. Encourage people to fact-check information they encounter online or in other media. Websites like Snopes,, and PolitiFact are good resources for fact-checking.

Hold those who spread fake history accountable!

Those who spread fake history should be held accountable for their actions. This includes politicians, media outlets, and individuals who spread misinformation.

Promote Diverse Perspectives

Encouraging diverse perspectives and acknowledging the contributions of marginalized groups can help combat fake history. This includes promoting the study of history from multiple perspectives and ensuring that all voices are heard.

Overall, combating fake history requires effort from all of us. It’s not about proving yourself to be correct, but about encouraging those who have fallen victim to echo chambers to step outside the box and examine what they have been told with a critical eye and logical thought.

Author: StrangeAgo