7 Penny Superstitions and Folk Beliefs

cash coins money pattern

Penny superstitions and folk beliefs have been around for centuries and continue to intrigue people to this day. Whether it’s finding a penny on the ground or receiving one as change, many of us have heard the saying “find a penny, pick it up, and all day long you’ll have good luck.” But there are many more penny-related superstitions and beliefs out there that you may not be aware of.

1. Find a Penny

You’ve heard:

“Find a penny, pick it up.

All day long you’ll have good luck.”

Some take this a bit further and say that the penny is only good luck if it is heads up. BUT, if you are still looking for some good fortune, turn the penny over so that it is facing heads up. You will get a bit of the good luck and the next person to pick it up will also get some good luck.

2. Hair Growth

If you need to cut off the split ends, but still want your hair to grow long, superstition tells you to trim your hair in the light of the moon and then rub a new penny over the ends. Your hair will grow back quickly.

cash coins money pattern
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

3. Jar of Pennies

A jar of pennies kept in the pantry or cupboard will keep your shelves full of food.

4. Never Broke

To prevent yourself from going broke, wrap a penny in paper and keep it in your purse or wallet. According to the wisdom of magic, like attracts like. If you have a single coin, it will attract more.

coins inside jar
Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán on Pexels.com

5. Rheumatism

Some people believe that putting a penny in each shoe will cure rheumatism.

6. New Year, New Wealth

On New Year’s Eve, just before the clock strikes midnight, set a bowl of water outside your home. When the clock strikes in the New Year, drop a penny into the bowl and keep it there. You’ll find new wealth in the New Year.

7. Monday Luck

To give away or receive a penny or pennies on a Monday is good luck.

Author: StrangeAgo