Money Magic 101: A Complete Guide to Manifesting Wealth and Prosperity

In this money magic 101 guide I’ve put together, you will learn about using herbs, symbols, essential oils, and candles for prosperity. Visualization techniques are also important when you are looking to increase your wealth, and I’ve included one method below. 

People use money magic to attract money, increase financial security, and gain access to hidden resources.

Often, money magic takes the form of ritual magic. It works by manipulating energy to create powerful results.

Money magic usually works by using the power of visualization, intention, and ritual to bring about desired outcomes. You can use it to attract luck, success, and prosperity.

Many combine the use of candle, crystal, and herbal magic to draw in wealth and prosperity. Symbols, words, and objects to represent the desired outcome are also used, and the same with chants and incantations.

Simple Goddess of Plenty Money Spell

I call upon the Goddess of Plenty to bring me wealth and abundance.

I light this green candle, symbolizing the abundance of money and prosperity.

I speak these words of power:

“Goddess of Plenty, bring me wealth. Fill my life with prosperity and abundance. Let money flow to me like a river. Never-ending, ever-growing.”

I thank the Goddess of Plenty for her blessings and guidance.

So mote it be!

Gathering the Necessary Supplies

Before casting a money spell, you need to ensure you have the right supplies.

Here’s what you’ll need to get started:

Herbs: Herbs are an essential part of any money spell. They can help you to attract wealth and prosperity. But first, you’ll need to find the right herbs for your magic. Some common herbs used in money spells include mint, cinnamon, and basil.

Crystals: Crystals are powerful tools for manifestation. They can help to focus your energy and amplify your spell. Some of the most popular crystals for money spells are citrine, green aventurine, and pyrite.

Candles: Candles are essential for any spell. They can help to focus your energy and help bring your magic to life. For money spells, green candles are often used.

Incense: Incense is a great way to set the mood for your spell. You can use incense to help you focus and to help to create the right atmosphere. You can use incense such as sandalwood, cinnamon, or patchouli for money spells.

Paper and Pen: You’ll need to write down your spell. You can use a piece of paper or parchment paper. Make sure to write in clear, legible handwriting.

Simple Basil and Green Candle Money Spell

As a witch, I know the power of herbs and their correspondences in spell work. Basil, in particular, is associated with abundance and wealth.

Here is a simple money spell using basil:


  • Fresh basil leaves
  • A green candle
  • A piece of paper and a pen


1. Begin by setting up your altar or sacred space. Light the candle and place it in front of you.

2. Take a handful of fresh basil leaves and hold them in your hands. Close your eyes and focus on the energy of abundance and wealth flowing through the basil and into your body.

3. Write down your specific financial goal on the piece of paper. This could be a specific amount of money, a job promotion, or anything else related to your finances.

4. Place the basil leaves on top of the paper and place your left hand on top. Repeat the following incantation:

“Basil, herb of wealth and abundance,

Bring prosperity and success to me,

By the power of this burning light,

This spell is cast, so mote it be.”

5. Blow out the candle and place the paper with the basil leaves inside an envelope and under your pillow. Sleep on it for 7 nights, visualizing your financial goal coming to fruition.

Crafting a Money Spell

Crafting a money spell is a powerful way to manifest the abundance you wish to bring into your life. When crafting a money spell, it’s important to consider the type of energy you want to bring into your life. Consider the type of money you want to attract (money made from artwork, writing, side gig, your job), and the type of energy you want to bring into your life.

When crafting a money spell, you’ll want to consider the ingredients you’ll need. Many money spells involve the use of herbs, crystals, and candles. Herbs such as basil, mint, and cinnamon are all associated with money and can be used to help attract wealth into your life. Crystals such as citrine and green aventurine are also associated with money and can be used to help increase your luck with money. Finally, candles are often used in money spells to help focus your intention and to bring the energy of the spell into your life.

Once you’ve gathered the ingredients for your money spell, you’ll want to create a ritual to perform the spell. Start by creating a sacred space for yourself. Light your candles, and set your herbs and crystals around you. Visualize the energy of abundance and wealth that you wish to bring into your life. Speak your intention out loud, and focus on the feeling of abundance and wealth that you wish to bring into your life.

Once your ritual is complete, you can release your money spell into the universe. Thank the universe for the abundance and wealth that you have asked for, and trust that your money spell will be answered.

Visualizing Your Desired Outcome

Are you looking to cast money spells that will bring you prosperity? Visualizing your desired outcome is a key step in manifesting your dreams. With a little bit of practice, you can learn to tap into the power of visualization to send your money spells into the universe.

Visualization is a powerful tool that witches have used for centuries to manifest their desires. It is a form of meditation in which you focus on a mental image of what you want to create. This can be anything from a new job to an increase in wealth. When you visualize your desired outcome, you are sending a clear message to the universe of what you want to manifest.

When casting money spells, it is important to take the time to visualize what you want to create. Start by finding a comfortable place to sit and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and relax your body. Now, imagine what it would look like if you had the amount of money you desire. Picture yourself surrounded by abundance and prosperity. Notice the details of the scene and allow yourself to feel the emotions of having your desired outcome.

As you visualize your desired outcome, repeat a money spell or affirmation that resonates with you. This could be something like “I am open to the abundance of the universe” or “Money flows to me easily and effortlessly.” By repeating your money spell or affirmation, you are reinforcing your intention and sending a clear message to the universe.

When you are done visualizing, take a few minutes to ground yourself and release any remaining energy. You can do this by imagining roots growing from your feet and connecting you to the earth. When you feel grounded and connected to the earth, open your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

Setting Intentions for Your Spell

There is an old saying that “magic is only as good as its intention.” This holds true for every type of spellcasting, including money spells. It’s not enough to merely hope for wealth; a clearly defined intention is key to directing the energies of the universe toward your goals. Today, we will delve into the process of setting intentions for your money spells to amplify their power and effectiveness.

Identify your Purpose

The first step in setting an intention for your money spell is understanding exactly what you want to achieve. This purpose should not be vague, like “I want to be rich.” Instead, it should be as specific as possible. For example, “I want to accumulate enough funds to pay off my student loan within a year.” The specificity of your intent provides focus and allows the energy you’re harnessing to work in a specific direction.

Align with your Values

It’s crucial to ensure your monetary intentions align with your values. This implies asking yourself questions about the kind of person you want to be and the life you want to lead. If you’re concerned about fairness and equality, then your intention could be to make money to contribute to a charitable cause. If you’re passionate about entrepreneurship, your intention could be to generate the capital needed to start your dream business.

Positive Affirmations

Affirmations are a powerful tool for setting intentions. They are positive, present-tense statements that you recite to yourself, such as “I am attracting financial abundance,” or “I am worthy of prosperity and wealth.” The idea behind affirmations is to shift your mindset from lack to abundance, allowing you to draw more wealth into your life.


Visualizing your goals can help to reinforce your intentions. Envision the life you want after the spell has manifested, and focus on the feelings associated with that vision. If you are aiming for financial freedom, visualize what it would be like to live without money-related stress.

Record your Intentions

Writing down your intentions can provide a tangible record of what you’re hoping to achieve. You could jot this down in your spellbook or journal. Each time you review these written intentions, you strengthen your resolve and renew your focus on your objectives.

Energy Release

Finally, to truly set your intentions, you must be ready to release them into the universe. After you’ve clearly defined what you want, affirmed it, and visualized it, it’s time to let go. Trust that the universe has heard your request and that it will work to bring your intention to fruition.

Remember that the path to prosperity is not a sprint, but a marathon. Stay patient, believe in your intentions, and open yourself up to the abundant opportunities the universe has in store.

Crafting Charms and Talismans for Financial Success

The belief in talismans and charms to attract wealth and prosperity is as old as humanity itself. These symbolic objects, charged with specific energies or intent, are seen as conduits to manifest the wearer’s desires. If you’re seeking to boost your financial success, consider crafting your very own money charm or talisman. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started.

1. Choose Your Object

The first step is choosing the object that will serve as your charm or talisman. This can be anything that has personal meaning or resonance for you. Many people prefer natural items like crystals, stones, or pieces of wood. Others might choose a coin, piece of jewelry, or even a small piece of paper with a significant symbol drawn on it. Choose something you feel comfortable carrying with you or displaying in your personal space.

2. Select Your Symbols

Symbols play a critical role in charging your talisman with a specific purpose. You might choose symbols that represent wealth, such as a dollar sign, a cornucopia, or the rune Fehu, which is associated with prosperity. You can engrave, paint, or inscribe these symbols onto your chosen object.

3. Infuse with Intention

The next step is to infuse your charm or talisman with your intention. Hold the object in your hands and visualize your goal of financial success. You can also speak your intention out loud or write it down on a piece of paper and place it with the talisman.

4. Charge Your Charm or Talisman

Charging refers to imbuing your charm or talisman with energy. This can be done in several ways, depending on your personal beliefs and practices. Some people charge their talismans under the light of the full moon, or by burying them in the earth overnight. Others may prefer to use the energy of the sun, or to meditate with the talisman, focusing their personal energy into it.

5. Carry It With You

Once your charm or talisman is charged, it’s ready to work its magic. Carry it with you in your pocket, wear it as a piece of jewelry, or place it somewhere significant in your home or office. The charm should be somewhere it can constantly remind you of your intention for financial success.

Crafting your own money charm or talisman is not just a fun exercise; it is a powerful tool to focus your intentions and manifest your financial goals. 

Incorporating Herbs and Oils into Your Spell

For centuries, herbs and oils have been an integral part of various spiritual practices. Their aromatic properties and inherent energies are believed to significantly bolster the power of rituals and spells. Money spells are no exception. By incorporating specific herbs and oils known to attract prosperity, you can amplify the effects of your money spell. Here’s a guide on how to do it.

Choosing the Right Herbs and Oils

The first step in integrating herbs and oils into your money spell is selecting the appropriate ones. Certain plants are traditionally associated with prosperity and abundance. For instance, basil is known for attracting wealth, while clover is believed to bring good luck.

Essential oils, such as cinnamon, patchouli, and bergamot, have also been linked to wealth and prosperity. When choosing oils, opt for 100% pure, therapeutic grade oils to ensure their quality and potency.

Using Herbs in Your Money Spell

Herbs can be used in a variety of ways in your money spell. You could burn them as incense, carry them in a small pouch, or even sprinkle them around your home or workspace. Each herb carries a unique vibration that can help align your energy with the frequency of abundance.

For example, to use basil in your money spell, you might sprinkle it around your front door to attract wealth into your home. Alternatively, you could burn dried basil leaves and visualize your financial goals while inhaling the scent.

Incorporating Oils in Your Spell

Oils can be used to anoint candles, talismans, or even yourself during your money spell. For instance, you could anoint a green candle (a color often associated with wealth) with patchouli oil before burning it as part of your spell.

In another technique, you could anoint your wallet or purse with a drop of bergamot oil, imbuing it with the intention of attracting more money into your life.

Setting Intentions

Just as with any spell, it’s essential to set your intention before using herbs and oils. As you handle these items, focus on your financial goals. Visualize yourself achieving them and feel the joy and satisfaction that it brings. This mental and emotional engagement imbues the herbs and oils with your intent, aligning them with your goals.

Chant to Juno Moneta, Goddess of Wealth and Abundance:

“Juno Moneta, Divine Guardian,

Protector of resources, giver of fortune,

With open heart, I call upon your grace,

Bestow abundance, in this sacred space.

Coins that shimmer, prosperity’s song,

Guide me, Goddess, to where I belong.

In your honor, I pledge to share,

The wealth and abundance, you help me bear.

Juno Moneta, hear my plea,

In my life, let prosperity be.

Open doors, opportunities unseen,

Fill my life with shades of green.

Rich in spirit, rich in heart,

With your guidance, I make my start.

Wealth flows freely, it comes with ease,

Juno Moneta, help me please.

Blessed be the gifts you bring,

In gratitude, your praises I sing.

In your honor, a life well spent,

In love and abundance, my intent.

Juno Moneta, with respect, I chant,

In your name, nothing is scant.

With each word, with each breath,

Draw to me wealth, put poverty to death.

In trust, I let it be,

Juno Moneta, bring prosperity to me.

In your name, I accept with gratitude,

Endless wealth, endless magnitude.”

Understanding the Power of Symbols in Money Magic

In the context of money magic, symbols are used to represent the intention of abundance and prosperity. These symbols can be universally recognized, like the dollar sign ($), or they can be more specific to certain cultural or spiritual practices, like the rune ‘Fehu’ in Norse tradition, which stands for wealth and prosperity.

Choosing the Right Symbols

When using symbols in your money magic, it’s important to select those that resonate with your personal belief system or feelings about wealth. This could be a symbol that represents a specific currency, a historical symbol of abundance, or even a symbol you’ve created to represent your financial goals.

Incorporating Symbols into Your Money Magic

Once you’ve chosen your symbols, there are many ways to incorporate them into your money magic rituals. You might draw them on paper and place them on your altar, carve them into candles for your money spells, or even wear them as jewelry to keep the energy of abundance close.

For instance, if you choose the dollar sign as your symbol, you could draw it on a piece of green paper and carry it in your wallet.

The Power of Visualization

The real power of symbols comes into play when you use them as a focal point for visualization. By focusing on the symbol during your money spell, you can channel your intentions of prosperity and abundance more effectively.

For example, as you gaze at the symbol of abundance you’ve chosen, visualize it as a magnet drawing wealth toward you. Feel the energy of the universe responding to this symbol, guiding prosperity into your life.

The Power of Belief

While symbols carry inherent meaning, their power is truly ignited by your belief in them. A money symbol won’t help you attract wealth unless you truly believe in its power.

Crafting a Money Jar Spell

Money jar spells are a popular form of money magic due to their simplicity and effectiveness. These spells involve using a jar to create a physical representation of your financial intentions, which can then work to manifest your goals. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to craft your very own money jar spell.

Materials You’ll Need

  • A jar with a lid
  • Coins or paper money
  • Herbs associated with prosperity (e.g., basil, mint, or cinnamon)
  • Small objects symbolizing wealth (e.g., gold or silver charms)
  • Paper and a pen
  • A green candle (optional)

Step 1: Cleanse Your Jar

Before using your jar for the spell, it’s important to cleanse it of any residual energy. This can be done by washing it with warm, soapy water, or by smudging it with sage. Envision any negative or stagnant energies being washed away during this process.

Step 2: Write Your Intentions

On a piece of paper, write down your specific financial goal. This could be a certain amount of money you wish to save, a debt you want to pay off, or a general intention for financial abundance. Fold this paper and place it in the jar.

Step 3: Add Your Symbols of Wealth

Fill your jar with items that represent wealth to you. This could include coins, paper money, or even a lottery ticket. You might also want to add small trinkets or charms that symbolize wealth, such as a miniature gold bar or a dollar sign charm.

Step 4: Add Your Herbs

Next, add your chosen herbs to the jar. As you do so, visualize each herb drawing wealth and prosperity towards you. Remember, the specific type of herb isn’t as important as your intention behind it. Choose herbs that resonate with your personal beliefs and associations with wealth.

Step 5: Seal the Jar

Once you’ve added all your ingredients, it’s time to seal the jar. You can do this by simply closing the lid, or for added magic, you might choose to drip wax from a green candle onto the lid to seal it. As you do so, envision your jar being filled with the energy of abundance.

Step 6: Placement and Activation

Finally, place your money jar somewhere you will see it regularly. Each time you look at it, reinforce your intention for financial prosperity. Some people like to shake the jar occasionally, believing the movement stirs up the energy and keeps the spell active.

Author: StrangeAgo