Woman goes insane after fortune teller conjures fake demons

From 1896 comes this horrifying story of a young woman made insane after a fortune teller produced fake demons and threatened her for more money.

Made a Maniac by Spiritism

A curious story of fake spiritism has come to light in New York, and, if the story of the complaint to the police be true, the spook-evoking had the effect of making a prospective bride a raving maniac, says the Buffalo Express.

Martin Delberger, a cigar-maker, told the police that his young aunt, Louisa Goldstein, who was about to be married, went to a certain Mme. Rodling to have her horoscope cast. The seeress considered a second visit necessary and told Miss Goldstein that she must bring $25 with her.

The girl went again, but had only $15. Then, according to Dolberger’s story, Mme. Rodling took the girl into a dark room, where two men were concealed. The astrologer told Miss Goldstein that she could raise devils by simply calling for them, and that she would do more if she failed to come again and bring $20 with her.

Then Mme. Rodling produced some kind of a spectacle in the dark, accompanied by queer lights and noises.

When Louisa reached home she fell upon the floor in a faint and afterward told of her experience. All night long she raved about the devils and in the morning was a maniac. She was removed to Bellevue hospital and then to the insane hospital at Ward’s island.

When a detective was sent to Mme. Rodling’s house to investigate, the woman denied that any such girl had been there.

Moreover, she denied that she claimed to be a fortune teller at all, but read people’s lives from their palms. To the detectives she showed a lot of astrological rubbish.

The records of Bellevue show that Louisa Goldstein was received there and afterward transferred to Ward’s island.

Source: San Antonio Daily Light. (San Antonio, Tex.), 24 Aug. 1896.

Author: StrangeAgo