8 Examples of Deadly News From the Past

Here is a rather deadly and unsettling collection of sordid news from over 100 years ago. From fires to brutal endings, here are eight examples of deadly news reports from long ago.

1. Farmhouse Fire

It’s 1915 and three small children were killed in a farmhouse fire in Black River, Michigan. The mother and wife of Benjamin Lavigne rushed through the flames and saved their 4 month-old baby. [Source]

2. Woman Nearly Cremated

In 1907, a woman was nearly burnt to death while cooking. She reached for a bottle of vinegar, but accidentally grabbed the bottle of turpentine. The liquid ignited as soon as she poured it into a hot skillet. Mrs. Hollenbeck was badly burned about the body and her hair was completely burned from her head. [Source]

3. Throat Cut

In Iola, Kansas, Henry Rumple survived after having his throat cut, his skull crushed with a hammer, and receiving two bullets in his forehead. He told police it was a burglar, but police dismissed it as a possible suicide attempt. [Source]

4. Frozen in Bed

A Boston woman, Mrs. Nora Nagle, sent a Christmas invitation to her sister. After 11 days passed and no response, Nora traveled to her sister’s home in Somerville where she found her sister in bed, frozen to death. [Source]

5. Crushed by Elevator

Residents in a fashionable apartment building in Chicago were woken by horrific screams when a 17-year-old was crushed to death by a freight elevator. The young delivery man got caught between the elevator and second floor, and was slowly crushed to death. [Source]

6. Piano Player

In Scranton, Pennsylvania, Augustus Laubach was playing “Nearer, My God, to Thee” on the piano when he suddenly fell forward on the keys and expired. [Source]

7. Dough Mixer

Samuel Krampler, a baker, lost his balance while at work and fell into a dough mixer equipped with revolving knives. He was instantly killed. [Source]

8. Battleship Match

A seaman on the battleship Florida was killed in a boxing match on board that vessel. The naval department announced that the boxing match was a friendly one. By the next day, it was announced that the other boxing seaman had been court-martialed for, again, the friendly match. [Source]

Author: StrangeAgo