Man wakes up after fight to find his ear on a shelf

New Jersey man woke after a fight to find his detached ear resting on a shelf. This is the stuff of nightmares!

Found His Ear on a Shelf

TRENTON, N.J. — Michael Malielwicz awoke this morning with a stinging sensation about the right side of his head and found his right ear lying on a piece of paper on a shelf beside his bed. He became frightened and called for help.

Then he was told by those in the house that he had been drinking last night and that he had had a narrow escape with his life after a desperate struggle with Vincent Gundozel, a boarder in the house. Gundozel had plunged a knife into Malielwicz’s scalp, tearing a hole several inches long to the skull. The next plunge sliced off the ear. The fight had then been stopped by a fellow boarder.

The police today arrested both men and Malielwicz was sent to St. Francis’ hospital.

Source: Los Angeles herald. (Los Angeles [Calif.]), 21 Jan. 1906.

Author: StrangeAgo