Condemned murderer attempts escape from jail

In 1898, John Oschild, a convicted murderer sentenced to death, attempted to escape jail. However, a fast-acting elevator operator stopped the man in his tracks.

Desperate Attempt

John M. Oschild, a murderer condemned to death, made a desperate attempt to break jail today by climbing to the top floor of the court house.

He threw a handful of cigar ashes in the eyes of Special Watchman Peterson and then grappled with him. He beat the watchman into insensibility with an iron hook taken from his bed, and then, locking him in the corridor, made his way into the outer hallway.

The only mode of egress to the street was by the jail elevator. He rang the bell, hoping to take the elevator man by surprise. He was fooled in this, however, as the operator recognized him before he got to the door and dropped his car immediately.

He was caught like a rat in a trap, was soon overpowered and returned to his cell.

Peterson’s wounds are serious, but not fatal.

Source: The age-herald.(Birmingham, Ala.), 04 Jan. 1898.

Author: StrangeAgo