The first time I learned about men who would jump out and accost women, common called a “Jack the Hugger,” was when I found the report of such a creature in New Jersey. For today’s find, we have a Jack the Hugger in Iowa.
Here’s the article from 1918.
Jack the Hugger at Work

Twice during the past week “Jack the Hugger” has made his appearance, accosting women, but the police officials have been unable to learn the identity of the mysterious man who is causing the women so much discomfort.
The first appearance of “Jack the Hugger” since last week’s issue of the Review was in southwest Denison when a woman was approached while on her way home. The fellow stepped out from behind a tree and threw his arms about the woman, but she threw him aside and he made his escape. Police authorities were given a good description of the man.
Again on Sunday the mysterious man made his appearance. Mrs. Will McCord, who resides on East Chestnut Street, was accosted in her back yard by the man about 9:30 o’clock at night. Her screams frightened the man away and brought neighbors to the scene, but they were unable to find any trace of her assailant.
The authorities are making every effort to apprehend the man who is molesting the women of Denison.
Source: The Denison review. (Denison, Iowa), 15 May 1918.