How did people in the past make scrambled eggs? Honestly, the recipes are not too much different than the ones we use today, except they used far more salt and sugar than we do.
Lemon Juice From 1919
A few drops of lemon juice added to scrambled eggs while cooking will improve them. [1]
Scrambled Eggs With Milk Toast From 1938
Pour scrambled eggs, slightly underdone, over 5 slices milk toast, sprinkle with 4 tablespoons grated, mild cheese. Put in oven to melt cheese and finish cooking eggs. [2]
Scrambled Eggs With Cheese
One-half pound of cheese grated or cut into small pieces, 8 eggs, 1 tablespoonful of chopped parsley, a pinch of nutmeg, 1/2 teaspoon of salt.
Beat the eggs slightly, mix them with the other ingredients, and cook over a very slow fire, stirring constantly so that the cheese may be melted by the time the eggs are cooked. In good value the dish is equal to nearly 2 pounds of average beef. [3]
Scrambled Eggs And Tomato From 1913
Peel and cut fine three small ripe tomatoes. Cook ten minutes in saucepan with two tablespoons of butter, one-half teaspoon of salt and a dash of paprika. Then drop in eight unbeaten eggs and stir constantly until the eggs are cooked to suit taste. Serve at once with parsley garnishing. [4]
Ham Flavored Eggs From 1911
Chopped Ham, heated and added to scrambled eggs just before they set gives substance to the dish and adds the meaty flavor that many like. Use one tablespoonful of chopped ham to every two eggs. [5]
Scrambled Eggs With Tomatoes From 1911
Six eggs, one and three-fourths cupfuls of tomatoes, one tablespoonful of sugar, one-half cupful of butter, one slice of onion, one-half teaspoonful of salt, one-eighth teaspoonful of pepper. Simmer tomato and sugar together for five minutes. Fry the onion in the butter five minutes. Remove onion and add to tomato. Season eggs slightly that have been lightly beaten. Cook as scrambled offs. Serve on toast or whole wheat bread. [6]
Scrambled Eggs With Asparagus From 1915
Put one tablespoonful of butter in the upper part of a double boiler and when melted add four eggs slightly beaten and mixed with half a teaspoonful of salt, a half saltspoonful of pepper and a third of a cupful of milk. Stir the mixture gently until it begins to thicken, then add one cupful of cooked canned asparagus, cut in small pieces, and served on toast as soon as the egg is firm and the asparagus hot. This is a nice way to use a small amount of asparagus left from the previous day’s dinner. [7]
Scrambled Eggs With Sardines From 1915
Take a box of sardines, drain, remove skin and bones and flake into fairly small pieces. Beat three eggs, add a tablespoonful of cream. Pepper and salt. Melt a half ounce of butter in the pan and put in the sardines. Shake them up with the butter, then turn in the eggs and scramble all together. [8]