The following recipe for apple honey was originally published in 1919 and describes how to make the honey over the family fire. While you can still use a fire to cook up this honey, a stove works just as well.
The honey, or syrup, made from this recipe tastes great on pancakes and waffles. It has a strong, sweet apple flavor that is far better than any artificial flavoring.
Apple Honey
Save the peelings and the perfect cores from twelve apples.
Wash and put on to cook with one pint of water.
Cook slowly till the water seems to be about half boiled away. This will take at least 25 minutes, slow cooking, may be longer.
Strain through a fine sieve.
Press gently with a broad spoon so to be sure to get all the juice.
Measure the juice. There should be a cupful or more.
Put the juice into a saucepan and add three-quarters as much sugar as you have juice.
Stir till sugar is dissolved.
Put over the fire and cook until the juice drips like syrup when run from a spoon.
Pour at once into a jelly glass.
This is delicious for sandwiches or to eat on bread after school.
Source: Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.), 18 Jan. 1919.