13 Intriguing Button Superstitions and Folk Beliefs

Buttons and the superstitions surrounding them are fascinating. While we tend to think very little about these ancient fasteners, our recent ancestors had a lot to say about the magic in buttons.

1. Bad Luck

Losing a button from your shoe is bad luck. The only way to get rid of the bad luck is to either spit in your left shoe or spit over your left shoulder.

2. Button Up Wrong

If you button something up wrong, such as a blouse, it is good luck for as long as you keep it that way.

3. Husband Occupation

It was believed that you could determine your future husband’s occupation by counting your buttons with this rhyme:

Doctor, lawyer, merchant, cheat.


Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief,

Doctor, lawyer, Indian chief.

4. He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

Like counting flower petals, girls would grab a handful of buttons and count them out to the “He loves me, He loves me not” chant. The last button gives the answer.

5. Marriage

Should you find yourself sewing a button for a bachelor, you will marry him within the year.

6. Old Buttons

Putting old buttons on a new coat was considered bad luck.

7. Business

If a button pops off on a business suit, your luck in business is about to change.

8. Three Buttons

If three buttons fall off a garment, expect a funeral in the near future.

9. Good Luck

A coat with eight buttons brings good luck.

10. Find a Button

If you find a button on the ground, pick it up and put it in your pocket. You will have good luck for as many days as the button has holes.

11. Liar

If someone is spreading lies about you, bite the top button of your shirt and the liar will get a blister on his tongue.

12. Gift Good Luck

Gifting buttons is to gift good luck. It brings the receiver good fortune.

13. Wish Making

Make a wish over a button and throw it into a well. The well fairies like buttons and are said to grant wishes in exchange for a button or two.

Author: StrangeAgo