Category: History
Young woman defends herself with hatpin after strange man tries to kiss her
After hearing so many people say that hatpins were used for self-defense, I finally found a hatpin story in the wild. In truth, I wasn’t…
Unsuccessful gold miner prepared for his demise
Mining for gold left many men and their families in extreme poverty. The following report from out of California, 1922, tells of a man who…
Old rectory torn down to find source of ghostly happenings
In 1916, Indiana, a rectory was reportedly haunted by the ghost of a suicide. As no one in their right mind wanted to stay in…
Ship haunted by ghost of drowned man
In the following 1896 news article, it is reported that a schooner is haunted by a ghost. The ship’s captain believes it is the ghost…
42 rattlesnakes found under flooring in family home, 1906
It was 1906, and after spending many sleepless nights thinking her home was haunted, Mrs. Welborn has her husband tear up a section of flooring…
7 Disturbing Facts About Surgery in Ancient Rome
Surgery in ancient Rome was a frightening prospect. Unlike modern times where surgical procedures are commonplace, in ancient Rome, surgery was a rarity reserved for…
7 Strange Tales About Cork and Wooden Legs in the Past
Did you know that cork legs were not made out of cork? Instead, according to one story, cork legs got their name from John Cork…
8 Examples of Deadly News From the Past
Here is a rather deadly and unsettling collection of sordid news from over 100 years ago. From fires to brutal endings, here are eight examples…
Horrific description of Chicago slaughterhouses in 1913
Below is a brutal and gruesome description of what went on inside the Chicago slaughterhouses in the early 1900s. It’s little wonder that there were…
What Lurks Behind the Closet Door? A Look into Historical Intrusions
When nighttime descends and the world hushes to silence, the familiar corners of our homes can sometimes breed unease. It’s easy to dismiss these feelings…