Category: History
5 Infuriating Stories About The Fort Steilacoom Asylum In Washington State
The Fort Steilacoom Asylum, later known as the Western State Mental Hospital, was a place of greed, captivity, and abuse. While the old asylum is…
Alligator Bait and Black Children in the Early United States
While researching alligator bait for a different article, I came across a website that mentioned black babies being used as alligator bait in the early…
7 Horrible Train Related Deaths in the Early 20th Century
There is no use saying that trains are dangerous. After all, we still hear of accidental and intentional deaths involving trains. However, train accidents were…
5 Odd Goat Facts and Events from the Past
Some people love goats. In general, they are a rather easy animal to maintain. The downside is that some of them have bigger personalities than…
9 Creepy Dolls from the Fifties
The fifties certainly had their fair share of creepy dolls, although I sometimes think that the people who cared for these dolls were a touch…
6 Gruesome Cockroach Accounts from the Past
For some of us, there is nothing worse than the sight of a cockroach. The last time I saw one was when I entered a…
Two Cheeky Cockroach Poems from Old Newspapers
Why on earth would anyone want to write a poem about a cockroach is beyond me, yet back in the early 20th century two different…
4 Things You Never Knew About H. Rider Haggard
Described as Rather Plain During a time when writers were expected to be full of eccentricities and were known to flaunt their artistic drama, Haggard…
What the Past had to Say About Wives Spanking Husbands
We always read or hear about how men used to put their wives over their knees for a spanking, but did you know that it…
6 Weird Cures for Insanity from the Recent Past
Medical doctors of the early 1900s had some rather weird ideas on how to cure insanity. Never mind that anyone exhibiting any number of mental…