Posted in History

6 Unusual Court Punishments From the Past

Court punishments were sometimes rather unusual back in the early 20th century. Spankings were common, but so were fines and doing time in the workhouses….

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Posted in History

Divorce Parties and Other Divorce Dramas from the Early 20th Century

In the early 1900s, divorce was considered the menace of society with people claiming that the country would go the way of Rome unless divorce…

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Posted in History

Solitary Confinement Was No Cakewalk in the Early 20th Century

When most of us think of solitary confinement, we picture a small bed and a small room. We expect it would be like a vacation…

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Posted in History

Civil War Female Surgeon Mary Walker

History shows us that there were a large number of women who served in the ranks during the Civil War, including Dr. Mary Walker. Below…

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When People Openly Believed in Life on Mars and Venus

Is there life on Mars and Venus? Despite the popular scoffing at the idea that there may be or was life on Mars and Venus,…

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Posted in History

Was Abbe Pregnani the Man in the Iron Mask?

Was James de la Cloche, known as Abbe Pregnani, the man in the iron mask? There are many theories as to who wore the mask…

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Posted in History

A List of Events That Happened in 1911

On January 1, 1912, The Day Book, a Chicago newspaper, printed the following list of things that happened in 1911. Here is What 1911 Saw…

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The Man in the Iron Mask a Royal Mystery

Who was the man in the iron mask? That is a question that has been asked, and unanswered, for over 300 years. The following article,…

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10 Harsh Realities of the Early 20th Century Seamen

Life on the sea was never pretty, and the seamen of the early 20th century had to endure much that modern seamen are fortunate enough…

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Posted in History

The Original Masque of the Red Death was a Venetian Legend

The red death mask was originally a Venetian legend: “About the middle of the seventeenth century, there lived in Venice a certain haughty duke, so…

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