Category: History
People Who Lived in Underground Prairie Homes in Nebraska 3500 Years Ago
The following article, published in 1914, talks about the discovery of underground homes in Nebraska and what was found inside the “wallows.” What was most…
Frogs Fell From the Clouds in Devonshire, England 1910
While reading through old newspapers, you will occasionally come across articles about strange things falling from the sky, such as frogs and fish. This account…
Women Embalmers in 1908
It was something you would never suspect, but there was an urgency for women embalmers in the past. This was mostly due to the fact…
1910 Photo of the Hotel Zum Riesen
The Hotel Zum Riesen still stands in Germany today. The photo and text below were originally printed in 1910 when it was labelled as the…
7 Strange Last Requests From the Past
It is not so surprising that there were a great number of strange last requests in the wills of the recent past. After all, it…
7 Historical Facts About Body Snatching Ghouls
Body snatchers, ghouls, resurrectionists – These were the names given to those who stole from the dead, stole dead bodies, and those who dug up…
The Burglar Proof Coffin Business
Times were tough in the early twentieth century and people felt a strong need to protect their deceased loved ones with the very best in…
Cruel Hazing Incidents From the Past
Hazing, also called ragging and organized rowdiness, was a serious problem in the past. Over a hundred years ago, students were harming and killing other…
Venus Inhabited According to 1909 Article
At the beginning of the 1900s, there was a tug of war between people who believed that Mars was populated and those who believed that…
Were These Strange Objects in the Sky Flare Signals and a Balloon?
There were plenty of strange lights and objects seen in the sky in the early 1900s. Sometimes they were left a mystery, but other times…