Category: History
Greek Shower Vase
A Greek shower vase? Given how intelligent and innovative the ancient Greeks were, it is little wonder that they created a shower vase. The article…
Fake News Stories From World War I
Propaganda and fake news stories played a huge part of the Great War and the German people were often stuck at the sharp end of…
Things You Never Knew About Wooden Toothpicks
You might not think much of the lowly wooden toothpick, but over a hundred years ago, the toothpick was a hotly debated topic in newspapers…
Morris Roller Boat of 1902
The Morris roller boat, pictured below, is a tube-like boat invented in 1902. It was hoped that the shape of the boat would make it…
1909 Coffin Made of Glass
The early 1900s saw a lot of experimentation with coffins, including glass coffins that were vacuum sealed. The following article was published in 1909 and…
Weird 1914 Invention to Make Shipwrecks Safe
The following article and image is about a suit for the victims of a shipwreck. The way it was designed not only made people look…
Wisconsin Mounds
The following article about the preservation of the Wisconsin mounds was originally published in 1907 when people were beginning to recognize the importance of saving…
Ghoul Proof Coffin Ad
Burglar-proof and ghoul-proof coffins were highly popular in the early 1900s due to so many bodies being stolen after their burial. The following ad first…
Strange Things Done With University Skeletons
At one time, the skeletons in the universities and colleges were made from real human bones. They were given names, made into mascots, and were…
History Of The Handkerchief
What is the history of the handkerchief? How did it evolve? The article below covers some possible answers to such a once common object. This…