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Knock on Wood and Beyond: Exploring Popular Knocking Superstitions
Why do we knock on trees and wood, and why are we compelled to knock on doors three times? Here is a look at some…
1907 Flip Flap Race
A backward somersault race for a charity event in London. Caption reads: Acrobats in a Queer Race One of the events at the recent charity…
Cinnamon Spells: Enhancing Your Witchcraft with the Magical Qualities of Cinnamon
Cinnamon is the bark from a lauraceous tree. While the tree is said to be of the moon, the spice is of the sun and…
Green is More Than Just a Color: Exploring the Symbolic and Marketing Meanings Behind Shades of Green
Green is a color that is abundant in nature and is often associated with growth, renewal, and vitality. It’s the color of lush forests, grassy…
Unlocking the Akashic Records: How to Access Past, Present, and Future Knowledge Through Astral Projection
Astral projection is a powerful tool for spiritual growth and exploration. It allows individuals to explore the non-physical realm and gain access to higher levels…
Grounding Your Magic: 7 Ways to Harness the Power of Earth for Spiritual Connection
The element of earth is a fundamental force in the occult. It represents stability, grounding, and the physical realm. By working with the energy of…
The Many Meanings of Rainbows: Exploring Symbolism and Mythology Across Cultures
The rainbow has played a significant role in symbolism and mythology across cultures, representing hope, diversity, unity, good luck, transformation, and life’s journey. Its vibrant…
Delicate man on verge of breakdown after roasting his wife (literally)
I never get to write fun titles like this at work. This is a must-read from February 1, 1910. Husband Nervous Wreck Cincinnati, Oh. –…
Teenager rigs shotgun, takes life
A teenager claimed her life because she felt she had accomplished nothing, according to a note she pinned on her body before she rigged a…
Feather Superstitions: Exploring the Meanings and Symbolism Behind Different Feather Colors and Types
Feathers have been used as symbols with multiple meanings throughout history and across different cultures. For many, understanding the symbology of feathers and their associated…