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Posted in Murder

Woman kills another for witchcraft after balls of flaming fire entered home

Mrs. Waldman accused Mrs. Cooper of being a witch after fire balls entered the Waldman’s home. The end result was that Mrs’ Waldman murdered Mrs….

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Posted in History

Foo Fighters look like flying saucers

A 1947 description of foo fighters looking like flying saucers. Numerous explanations are given in this 1947 article, ranging from static electricity to ball lightning…

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Posted in History

Cigar-shaped UFOs were called flying bananas to humiliate witnesses

It wasn’t enough that reporters and the powers-that-be ridiculed people for seeing flying saucers, but when a large number of people spotted a cigar-shaped UFO,…

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Posted in History

The flying saucer season – The Air Force thinks you are full of shit

Flying saucers are actually meteors, and the Air Force would show their disdain for flying saucer reports (and the discussion of flying saucers) by putting…

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Posted in History

Foo Fighters only static – World War II news

From being a secret Nazi weapon to being merely static electricity, here is another article (published in 1945) explaining away the foo fighters spotted by…

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Posted in History

Nazis newest trick, fire balls, follow or precede planes – Foo Fighters

Having long been fascinated with the Foo Fighters during World War II, I finally decided to dig up some articles on the issue. In this…

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Posted in Civil War History Travel

Baffled by a ghostly ball that burns, Louisiana

Strange, ghostly balls of fire hovered and vanished on an old gravel road in Bayou Liberty back in 1942. There were many theories about the…

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Posted in Tragedies

Falling stars blamed for sinking ships and destroying planes

A fascinating look into the possibility that “falling stars” may have sunk a few ships and wiped a few airships out of the sky. While…

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Posted in History

How ether and nitrous oxide parties led to nitrous oxide being used by dentists

In the 1800s, ether and nitrous oxide parties were popular. They were parties where people would hang out, inhale ether and laughing gas, and act…

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Posted in History Tragedies

1929 sighting of the lost ship København

Numerous ships have been lost at sea, and many, like København, quickly became ghost ships. København was an immense five-masted barque, the largest of its…

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