May Have Found Lost Dutchman

With so many reports on the finding of the lost dutchman mine, I believe that in many cases, including this one, people would state that they found the mine simply for publicity’s sake. Of course, I could be completely wrong.

So Claims Tempe Prospector Who Has Been on a Trip of Inspection

Tempe, October 27. – Jack Morton, a Tempe rancher who devotes his odd moments to prospecting, claims to have discovered the famous Lost Dutchman mine. Mr. Morton, accompanied by his wife, were absent from Tempe for a week on a prospecting tour. Upon their return Mr. Morton disclosed the fact that he had found something. He declined to tell just where he had been, but he showed rock that was glittering with gold and claimed that it was from the Lost Dutchman. After resting a few days, he and Mrs. Morton again took their departure for parts unknown and are still absent. Whether Mr. Morton located the lost mine or not is a question that yet remains to be settled; the fact that he brought back some very rich ore, however, is indisputable as the evidence shows for itself.

Source: Daily Arizona silver belt. (Globe, Gila County, Ariz.), 30 Oct. 1908.

Author: StrangeAgo