Veil fashions, what to do and not do, were all the talk in the early 1900s. From Paris to the United States, women wore veils as a sign of fashion and wealth. In this article, we are introduced to some of the stranger ways of wearing a veil in 1913.
The Faddiest Veil Fashions Are With Us
Don’t by any possibility, if you wish to be in the very faddiest mode, wear your veil straight over your face this fall.
You can wear it as they do in the harems, leaving your eyes to show, or it can be brought up tent fashion, covering your ears and giving a piquant sort of look to the most demure face. It can be even brought down something in the style of a bandage over just one eye. Use your individual taste and be sure that the more “individual” it is the more “stylish” will you be called.
In Paris they are wearing white chiffon veils on which are painted, in miniature, whole landscapes. These veils, of course, hang straight down from the hat.
However, women of good taste, when she wears a veil, will still wear it pinned over her hat and brought around under the chin in the good old way and she will look pretty, if not stylish.
Source: The day book. (Chicago, Ill.), 30 Sept. 1913.