How to Make a Pincushion From a Baby Sock

Baby socks are the easiest thing to lose and you will probably ponder what on earth you could do with just one perfect baby sock. Well, look no further because the crazy women of the past came up with the baby sock pin cushion.

Personally, I stuffed outgrown baby socks with catnip, sewed them shut, and gave them to the cats to enjoy, but that’s just the way I roll.

The craft below was originally published in 1907.

Baby Sock Pincushion

Do you want to make just the cunningest pincushion for mother’s darning basket? Get one of baby’s fine white socks, the little close woven ones are best.

Cut a pink or blue lining in just the same shape. Slip it inside the sock and stuff with bran.

Sew tight at the top and cover the stitches with a bow of ribbon the same color as the lining.

Another little bow at the toe looks pretty, but that is not really necessary.

If you like, you can stick some safety pins, a few big beaded black and white pins, ordinary pins and several sizes of darning needles in the cushion before you give it.

Source: The silver messenger. (Challis, Idaho), 08 Jan. 1907.

Author: StrangeAgo