6 Armpit Superstitions You Will Have to Read to Believe

One might never suspect that superstitions were associated with one’s armpits, yet here we are.

People will stick things wherever they can fit them.

1. Devil’s Mark

But first, let’s take a quick look at Christian lore.

It was once believed that Satan would give his followers a secret mark – often a mole or blemish.

Satan hid the mark someplace secret on the body, such as in the armpit, which is why murderous witch hunters would strip down their victims and search under their arms.

2. Apple for Love

A common armpit superstition tells us to hold an apple under the armpit until it is warm, then eat it. Then, the one that you like will fall for you.

3. Orange for Love

A similar fruit superstition says that if a man wants a woman to fall in love with him, he needs to prick an orange all over with a pin.

He must then go to sleep with the orange tucked into his armpit.

Then the next day, he must offer the orange to his sweetheart. She will fall in love with him if she accepts and eats it.

4. Lemon for Vision

An ancient superstition tells an unmarried woman to hide the peel of a lemon in her armpit for an entire day.

Before going to sleep, she must rub the lemon peel on the four corners of her bed.

A vision of her future husband will come to her in her sleep.

However, if no vision comes, she will remain unmarried.

5. That Weird Mole

A mole in the armpit means you will have many ups and downs in life.

6. Mole Bone

A mole bone (rodent) worn under the left armpit was once believed to protect a person from witchcraft.


Encyclopaedia of Superstitions, Folklore, and the Occult. Cora Linn Daniels, ā€ˇCharles McClellan Stevens. 1903.

Popular Beliefs and Superstitions from North Carolina, Volume 4874, Issue 8569. 1964.

Superstitions and Why We Have Them. Max Cryer. 2016.

The Encyclopedia of Superstitions. Richard Webster. 2012.

Author: StrangeAgo