14 Superstitions and Ancient Lore About Human Hair

Hair has long been held in the highest esteem when it comes to superstitions and lore. It is even used in magic.

In fact:

In Europe it was once believed that the power of the magician resided in his hair. During some of the witch trials in France many of the witches who went through some gruesome tortures confessed everything when their hair was cut off, because they genuinely believed that they had lost the source of their personal power.

Natural Magic. Francoise Strachan.

Here are more hair superstitions and lore that you probably never heard of…

1. While Brushing Knots

Make a wish while brushing knots out of your hair.

2. Fairy Knots

To wake up in the morning with knotted hair is a sign that the fairies were dancing in your hair all night.

3. Dropped Comb

If, while combing your hair, you accidentally drop the comb on the ground, put your foot on it and make a wish.

4. Lock of Hair Gift

Gifting someone a lock of your hair is a sign of intimacy and trust. It’s an ancient custom of gifting your essence to another.

5. Love Bound

If you take one of your hairs and the hair of the person you like and knot the two together and bury them in the ground, the two of you shall stay in love for the rest of your lives.

6. Love You Back

Bury a photo of the one you love along with a bit of his/her hair and s/he will love you back.

7. Prevent Haunting

Put a lock of hair from a dead person in a hole in a tree to prevent them from haunting you. The spirit will be tied to the tree.

8. Dream of the Devil

Comb your hair at midnight and you will dream of the devil.

9. Hair Grow Fast

To make your hair grow fast, take the hair out of your brush and bury it under a stream.

10. Hair in Mouth

If you find a hair in your mouth you will kiss a fool.

11. To Remove a Curse

To remove a hex, cut a lock of your hair and blow on it 9 times. Leave the lock of hair someplace where you will never go again. The next person to pass the lock of hair will gain the curse.

12. For Luck

When in need of good luck, cut a lock of your hair and put it under a rock.

13. Curse

Place a lock of your enemy’s hair in a fast moving stream and he will go mad.

14. Hair as Sacrifice

According to Strachan, “Hair was a natural symbol for sacrifice, since a person was actually giving away a part of his or her power. Hair was also sometimes offered to the dead, as a friendly token to help them on their way.”


The Encyclopedia of Superstitions. Richard Webster. 2012.

Kentucky Superstitions. Daniel Lindsey Thomas

Natural Magic. Francoise Strachan.

Popular Beliefs and Superstitions from North Carolina. Volume 4874, Issue 8569. 1964

Author: StrangeAgo