Strange tracks found believed to be Delaware’s “What-it-it” – Also known as the “Ichthalmandaug”

Strange tracks discovered by a fisherman leave the man in a state of shock. Locals believe it is the “What-it-it” monster.

Sees Tracks of Beast! Man Falls Overboard

MIDDLETOWN, Del., January 23, 1909 — The “Ichthalmandaug,” or “What-it-it,” dropped down on Middletown some time last night, according to Fred C. Bloom, Jr.

Bloom didn’t see it, and he is glad that he didn’t, for judging from the footprints left by the creature near Silver Lake, it is a horrible monster.

Bloom is a fisherman of some reputation. He went down to the lake this morning to catch a few suckers, and while sitting on the bank with line overboard his attention was attracted by peculiar footprints in the snow bank just below where he was sitting.

Bloom said he never saw such footprints before and he is hoping that he never will. He has a faint recollection that the prints looked like those of a cloven-horse. He didn’t have time to examine them thoroughly, for the fright that followed the discovery caused Bloom, line, bait and all to go overboard. He managed to get ashore again, however, and without stopping to examine the footprints, made for home.

He was completely unnerved by his experience and hadn’t recovered his sense when seen at his Broad Street store at 10 a.m.

Someone suggested that a party go in search of the creature but Bloom says he must not be counted in.

Source: Evening journal. (Wilmington, Del.), 23 Jan. 1909.

Author: StrangeAgo