9 Whistling Superstitions That Will Make You Hum

Whistling has long been associated with superstitions and beliefs in many cultures around the world. From bringing bad luck to summoning spirits, the act of whistling has been thought to have a variety of meanings and implications.

1. Generally Bad Luck

One of the most well-known superstitions about whistling is that it can bring bad luck. This belief likely stems from the fact that whistling is often associated with a carefree or nonchalant attitude, and it was thought that by whistling, one might be showing disrespect or disregard for the potential dangers and difficulties that lay ahead.

2. Whistling on a Ship

In Legends and Superstitions of the Sea and of Sailors in All Lands and at All Times (Fletcher S. Bassett, 1885) we read that:

“Our sailors, I am told, at this very day (I mean the vulgar sort), have a strange opinion of the devil’s power and agency in stirring up winds, and that is the reason they so seldom whistle on shipboard, esteeming it to be a mockery, and consequently an enraging of the devil.” (P. 144-145)

3. Attracts Spirits and Evil Entities

According to some people, whistling at night can summon spirits or attract evil entities.

4. Causes Mine Explosion

According to the Encyclopedia of Superstitions (Edwin Radford, Mona A. Radford, 1947):

“If a miner whistles in a mine, there will be an explosion.” 

5. Attracts Burglars and Thieves

Another whistling superstition states that whistling can attract burglars or thieves, or that it can cause someone to follow you.

6. Makes a Girl Grow a Mustache

Here’s one to make your head spin! From Encyclopædia of Superstitions, Folklore, and the Occult Sciences of the World, Volume I (Cora Linn Daniels, Charles McClellan, 1903)

“If a girl whistles, she will grow a mustache.” (P. 345)

7. Unwanted Visitors

Yet another superstition says that whistling inside a house can bring an unwanted visitor to your door.

8. Bad at Work

Whistling is also considered to be bad luck in the workplace. It is said that whistling can cause accidents or bring bad luck to a job or a business. It is also believed that whistling can cause machinery to malfunction or tools to break.

9. Can Also Bring Good Luck

While there are those who say whistling brings bad luck, there are also people who say it can bring good weather, attract good luck and money, or bring good luck to a journey.

Author: StrangeAgo