5 Most Interesting Facts About the Influence of Ancient Egypt on Modern Culture

Ancient Egypt, one of the world’s oldest civilizations, has had a profound influence on modern culture. From architecture to fashion, the legacy of Ancient Egypt can be seen in many aspects of our daily lives.

Here are five of the most interesting facts about how Ancient Egypt has influenced modern culture.

1. Architecture

The ancient Egyptians were master builders, and their architectural style has been hugely influential.

The Great Pyramid of Giza, built over 4,500 years ago, is still considered one of the greatest engineering feats in history.

The use of columns, lintels, and post-and-lintel construction, which was first developed by the ancient Egyptians, can be seen in many modern buildings.

2. Art

They were skilled artists and their art has been widely admired for centuries.

The use of hieroglyphics, which is a system of writing that uses pictures and symbols, has inspired many modern artists. Hieroglyphics can be seen in many forms of modern art, including graffiti, street art, and tattoo designs.

3. Religion

The ancient Egyptians had a complex religion that was based on the worship of many gods and goddesses.

The belief in life after death, which was central to ancient Egyptian religion, is still an important aspect of many modern religions.

The ancient Egyptians also believed in the power of amulets and charms, which are still used today in many cultures for protection and good luck.

4. Fashion

Known for their beautiful clothing and jewelry, they used a wide variety of fabrics, including linen and cotton, to create clothes that were both practical and stylish. The use of gold, silver, and precious stones in jewelry was also an important aspect of ancient Egyptian fashion.

Today, many modern fashion designers have been inspired by the style of ancient Egypt, and you can see many elements of ancient Egyptian fashion in modern clothing and jewelry.

5. Medicine

Egyptians were skilled in medicine and made many important contributions to the field. They were the first to use the pulse to diagnose illnesses, and they also developed surgical techniques that are still used today.

They also used herbs and plants to cure illnesses, which is an important aspect of modern alternative medicine.

Author: StrangeAgo