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Mutilated body of woman found in sack in Detroit
The mutilated body of a woman was found inside a sack in a creek in Detroit, Michigan, 1909. Michigan Officers are Hard at Work DETROIT,…
Something picks up barn and sets it down in different field
A “freak cyclone” in Indiana caused a barn to be picked up and safely set down in another field as man and horses stood nearby….
Jersey Devil kills over 30 pigs in Pennsylvania
The Jersey Devil has visited Pennsylvania numerous times in the past. In this case, 1916, it has killed over 30 pigs and was on the…
Strange tracks found believed to be Delaware’s “What-it-it” – Also known as the “Ichthalmandaug”
Strange tracks discovered by a fisherman leave the man in a state of shock. Locals believe it is the “What-it-it” monster. Sees Tracks of Beast!…
Links between Delaware’s Jobberwock, the Jersey Devil, and Ireland’s Rang-a-Tang
What we call Jabberwock was more commonly referred to as the Jobberwock up until the early 1900s, U.S. New Jersey had its Jersey Devil and…
Boy’s decomposed body found under sack of oats
A group of boys were shooting fireworks outside of a warehouse in Montana when a driver and owner of the warehouse dragged one of the…
Posse combing woods in search of Jersey Devil
The Jersey Devil comes out of hiding, slaughters a few hogs, and terrorizes two children in 1929. Posse Combing Woods for “Jersey Devil” WOODBURY HEIGHTS,…
How fake Civil War relics are made
Relics have been faked since ancient times, and American Civil War fakes are everywhere. The following article from 1911 details how canon balls and minie…
Church organist beaten and strangled as people pass by
A woman is beaten and strangled to death as people pass by unaware because of the thick fog. What a horrifying situation! Fog Shields Slayer…
Little house cutout from 1910
As a child, I loved the cutouts found in newspapers and children’s magazines. The cutout below is from a 1910 newspaper. I thought I’d share…