How Women Used Rose Geraniums Over 100 Years Ago

Rose geraniums are not only easy to grow, they were once also used as flavoring and picked for their scent. Below are several ways women in the past used rose geraniums.

Apple Jelly Flavoring From 1913

Apple jelly can be given a delicious and new flavor by putting a leaf of rose geranium in the bottom of the glasses in which you pour it. [1]

Scented Rose Geranium Jar From 1904

For a substitute for for “rose Jar,” take one packed quart measure of rose geranium leaves and place in a large china bowl with salt between each layer of leaves – a half cup of salt to a quart of leaves. Let it remain five days, stirring and turning each day, and cover the bowl closely. They should then appear moist. Add two ounces of coarsely powdered allspice and an ounce of bruised stick cinnamon. This forms the stock.

Allow it to remain a week stirring daily; then put into the permanent jars in layers. Sprinkle between the layers the following mixture: One ounce each of cloves and cinnamon, two nutmegs, two ounces orris root, half ounce anise seed, all coarsely powdered. This is said to be delightful if made right. It may be opened frequently and gives off a sweet, spicy, summery odor, a whiff of which is often enough to dispel a nervous headache. [2]

Rose Geranium Oil From 1892

How to obtain oil of rose geranium: Fill a wide-mouthed bottle with fresh rose geranium leaves that have been gathered when dry, and pour in as much perfectly pure glycerine as the bottle will hold. Cork it securely and keep it in a warm place for several weeks, when it will be ready for use. It is good for the bath, also for rough or chapped skin. [3]

The Sachet Bag From 1914

You will find a sachet bag filled with the spicily sweet geranium blossoms and leaves delightful to put in the piles of freshly laundered linens. Pick the blossoms from their stems and arrange the wilted or dried one in the center of the bag. Use plain or fancy net for making the bags, as the colors show through nicely. Put red, pink and white geranium petals to the outside, and also two skeleton rose geranium leaves, with a spray of their blossoms. A spray of lemon verbena may be mixed with these to give an added bouquet.

If one has a lavender plant flowering in the garden, its flowers will make good sachet bags, but be sure to gather the flowers before being robbed by the bees. A few drops of geranium or lavender in the center of each bag will greatly accentuate the odor of the flowers. [4]

Author: StrangeAgo